Monday, February 25, 2013

While Brandon was gone all weekend on a trip to Mali with the men from our leadership class... (Of course, I'll let him share what his weekend was like with you all later!) I spent my first time in Guinea by myself!

I caught up on some reading, did some baking and just relaxed. I also was able to spend some time with some Becky Kendall and her children (her husband was also gone on the trip), eating, baking, talking and playing games. 

On Sunday I had the chance to go to do a different church than the one I normally go to. This was a much smaller church, maybe thirty. The pastor gave a wonderful sermon (in French of course!) about what it means to be a parent as a Christian--what your responsibilities are, how you are to treat your children and provide for them. It was a very rousing sermon for a culture that seems to not take much heed of their children when they are young. I was also able to witness a baby dedication during that service. During the dedication they revealed the name of the baby (what a fun way to announce to you friends!)--and that they had named the new child after the pastor there--Moses. It was very touching to see a congregation obviously very impacted by their leader!

We then went back to the pastor's home to visit with him and his family. Although I only understood a portion of what they were conversing about (I'm just thankful my French lessons have allowed me to understand that much!) it was obvious he and his wife had deep love for their children and a multitude of joy about their ministry. It was a pleasure to be with people who were consumed with Christ and made Him a part of every aspect of their lives! A lesson for all of us!


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