Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Big, Audacious Prayers

Recently a missionary here in Kankan challenged me to have, what she calls "big, audacious prayers"; that is, prayers that seem too big to be possible, seemingly too big to even bother praying for. 

One of her outrageously big prayers was that when the imams (muslim leaders) went to speak curses toward Christians that God would cause only blessings to come out of their mouths. She also shared that she has been praying for God to turn the mosque in their neighborhood into a church--in a country that is 85% muslim. If those are not "big, audacious prayers", I don't know what is!

Well it got me to thinking that I need to have faith that can "move mountains"; that I need my own big audacious prayers! If you would join with us in praying for these things, we know we can eagerly await for God to act:

1. That twenty computers would be donated for the GBU center (inter-varsity center) to use in ministering to the university students through computer literacy programs. There is an endless market of students desiring to learn to use computers, and a serious shortage of computers to learn on. It could be a very big tool in developing relationships and ministering to Muslim students.

2. That the photo printing company we started, Image Africa, would produce enough profit to provide for the investor's families as well as generate five new businesses, so that the business as missions goal can continue to be carried out on multiple levels.

3. That the Maninka people (the main people group of Kankan, and ironically, the people group with the fewest number of Christians--they seem quite resistant to the message of Christ. Most of the Christians in Kankan are not native to the city, but are from other areas of Guinea) would spring forth a group of strong believers to reach out to their Maninka friends and families. Many Christians in Kankan say that "a Maninka cannot become a Christian" because after 90 years of focus on them, you can still count on one hand the Maninka believers in Kankan.

Thank you for your continued commitment to pray for us personally (which we find can always use in this part of the world!) and your desire to love on the Kankan people through prayer. Please join with us in praying for these three things. We know that God listens when his children ask! 


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