Friday, January 25, 2013

Our life continues at what seems like a breakneck pace. We're very thankful that, up to this point, all our meals have been provided for us! Over this past weekend we attended a Spiritual Life Conference for all the missionaries here in Kankan, led by a team from California. We're very glad we got here in time and were able to meet so many of our colleagues all at once and several days in a row so start remembering names. 
We've started to adjust to our house and now know where most of the light switches are, how to monitor that solar battery, how long it takes to heat enough water for a bucket bath, how much water flushes a toilet, etc. Life here is noisy, seemingly all the time. We live in a city with 250k-330k people, 85% of whom are Muslim...that means a LOT of mosques. For those unfamiliar with Muslim practices, 5 times a day a muezzin calls people to prayer over a loudspeaker...from each mosque. It's actually a very inspiring practice that is a great testament of devotion. So, for about 90 minutes, 5 times a day, the various muezzins are calling people to prayer and leading people in prayer. Did I mention that the first call is at 4am? Closing windows stifles the airflow a bit (but we've kept it under 80 degrees inside-which is low humidity feels downright chilly) but becomes necessary. We were also given earplugs which helps some. As we get over the jetlag and learn these new sounds, I'm sure our sleep will improve. 
Most Africans live life outside so there is always the noise of life as well: babies crying, dogs barking (for hours on end-it's actually almost unbelievable), goats, chickens, hammers (a metal working shop not far away), motorcycles (it seems there are 2 motos for each person here), etc.
Monday night we attended a leadership class for young Christian professors at the university (of 10,000+). These men teach chemistry, English, linguistics, physics, etc. Some of these are men we will be helping start side-businesses to supplement their $0.75 per hour college professor jobs. Some have already started businesses: a photo print business, an after hours learning center type school with 400 students, a computer lab with classes, etc. We'll learn more at a meeting today about what we'll be doing with these projects.
Well, there's one of the afternoon prayer calls. I may not be Muslim, but this might be a good practice to get into. 


1 comment:

  1. Dude use that first Muslim call to wake up, and work out. 80 at night? What a treat! Remember when Justin thought it was so nice and cool in the guest house and it was 92? ha. Hope you guys are doing well.
