Thursday, January 10, 2013

It's almost time!

We're in a flurry of packing, cleaning up our house and finishing last minute errands. We have a few more people to say goodbye to before we leave tomorrow morning and of course a few more of our favorite foods to eat before we go! We have a whole suitcase full of projectors and ink cartridges for  one of the ministries we will be working with to bring out.

We were both sick with some kind of stomach bug yesterday, and are really grateful that we both better now. It would have been a very unpleasant flight if we were sick!

We've felt truly blessed that we have found people to take care of things while we are gone... someone to live in our house, drive our cars and watch our dog. God has definitely provied for us and we are so grateful that all our loose ends have been tied up. And although you may not notice it from the picture, Brandon donated ten inches of his hair to Locks of Love, and is now sporting the buzzed look!

We leave Mishawaka at 7am tomorrow for Ohare and by Saturday morning we should be in Dakar, Senegal having breakfast and getting vaccines with Brandon's parents and two youngest brothers! 

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