Monday, October 1, 2012

A huge thank you to everyone that has been continually praying for us; God is working through you! One of our big dilemmas was the timing of our leaving, especially with a child now in the mix. It seems that God has cleared a path for the time table he wants us to follow.

Because of the pregnancy, Hannah is not able to obtain a yellow fever vaccine, which is required for entrance into Guinea. A yellow fever vaccine can increase the risk of miscarriage 30-70%, as well as sometimes will not even work on a pregnant woman. With a handful of yellow fever outbreaks nearby, and the fatality rate for a non-vaccinated person who contracts yellow fever at 88%, it is obvious we will now be staying here in the states for the birth of our child.

While we are saddened that we will not be in Guinea by the goal we had originally placed we are more than  happy with waiting and even thankful that God has used this yellow fever obstacle as a way to direct us there in His perfect timing.We prayed for an answer about when to go and He graciously answered us!

The time delay will be an immense blessing as it gives us more time to continue to raise the funds needed to travel as well as develop a clearer picture of what our Business as Missions program will look like when we arrive.

We were also able to share with our church, during all three services, what we are doing and how the call to move first came to be. It was a good time and everyone seemed very excited for us. A handful of people even felt called to partner with us financially and now we have a whole congregation behind us in prayer!