We've got bags in 8 states and 4 countries but we're hoping you can help us expand that. Here's what we're asking: Share with your friends what we're doing and how people can contribute- especially when you hear someone say something like, "I don't know what to get my mom for her birthday" or "Have any good ideas on bridesmaid gifts?"

The best way might be to buy a bag and use it. The questions will ask themselves and you'll be able to answer not only where you got the bag but share about our ministry as well.
Although it IS a lot of work to create these, Hannah has really enjoyed putting her creativity and skills to use. The thought of people liking and using something she's made makes her heart race a little.

We've also begun to meet with small business owners in the area to get some advice, insight and ideas from their experience in starting a small business. We hope to offer some of these insights when we return to Kankan and see if the guys think anything can translate into useful ideas. Definitely contact us if you know anyone who may be able to help or is interested in a financial partnership.
Thanks again for your prayers and support. Someone put it to us this way at our training: it's not really about "go-ers" and "senders". When rivers flood are there "sandbag fillers" and "sandbag placers"? Everyone works together and does their part to get the job done- because it's an urgent task. Everyone is closely and directly involved WITH everyone around them!