We were able to leave the airport in Dakar for a delicious Thai dinner with Brandon's parents before the overnight flight to Washington DC where they really rolled out the red carpet for us!
If you've been impressed with our sacrifice, you may need to re-align with God's vision: We have 9 months left on our commitment. Missionaries have been in Kankan since the 1920's. There were two other units at our training going for two years and everyone else is going forever. My grandparents went to Africa on a boat in the 1950's. Before that, missionaries shipped their belongings to Africa in a coffin rarely expecting to live 6 months. And they went anyways. The Apostle Paul walked/rode/sailed all over the Roman Empire. Remember what he gave? (2 Corinthians 11:23-28) We've given so little.
Brandon is already back at work in the shipping department at Global Building Products and carpools with Lucas. We are really grateful that his boss, Andrew Carpenter, an MK from Brazil, can support God's call on our life by saving Brandon a job.
We had a day of 60 degree weather in Denver that enabled us to get to Goodwill in time to buy clothes with sleeves which helped us endure the two snowstorms Denver had saved for us.
We gleaned all we could from our two weeks of training. Including some outdated prayer cards.
It was really cool to see the call God has placed on the lives of others. There were people from Michigan, Ohio, Colorado, California, Arizona and North Carolina. There were surgeons, counselors, EMTs, midwives, community developers, insurance agents, and businessmen. These people had kids (some adopted) from 6 weeks to 22 years old. They were strong and broken. They were married and single. There was even a young guy with cerebral palsy. They will be going to Senegal, Cambodia, Tanzania, Guinea, Mozambique, Malawi, and Ecuador. God calls EVERYONE to SOMETHING.

Needless to say we were inspired. Not everyone is called to go to another country but everyone is called to listen to God's voice. What's he calling YOU to? Think about it.
We're happy to be back in our house with Fenley. But we're not alone. Brandon's brother Lucas and his wife Bekah are sharing the house (and bills) with us as they prepare to go to Senegal for a year to do sports ministry. To find more about their journey Click Here. Also, Brandon's youngest brother, Tanner will be moving in June 2nd and working with his two older brothers (if his recent rugby-induced broken collarbone heals in time).

Hannah is unpacking, getting the house in order, working through paperwork, arranging fundraisers and setting up meetings with local small businesses. Busy, busy, busy.